furdev.net = { Computing ∪ Music ∪ Engineering }

Programming Projects


C, SQLite3, WordNet, JS, WASM, HTML

Indexing and graphing to organize and understand content by applying simple physics to reduced language.


C++, x86_64 GCC SIMD extensions

Some tests on doing vector operations serially and in parallel on my x86_64 CPU with AVX/SSE.

Locust Bubble

Java, LibGDX

A game for the Raspberry Pie 2022 Game Jam with the theme "Slow it Down," featuring an original soundtrack.


TypeScript (JavaScript)

A library for collecting information about the client.


Java (JDA)

The Raspberry Pie Discord server's utility Discord bot.


Python (Flask) & HTML

A utility to calculate the duration of your hold on a library book.


Rust (ActixWeb, GPGME, SQLX)

A collaboratively developed, federatable, end-to-end encrypted chat program using GPG.


Rust & Python

A CLI app to help with chemistry.

Laser Turret

Python (gpiozero, guizero)

A remote controlled Raspberry Pi laser turret with a live-streaming camera.

Snail Racing

Java (JDA, MongoDB, MariaDB, SQL)

Collaboratively maintaining and developing the Snail Racing Discord game.



A tiny, toy, stack-based, defined-by-implementation language.

Particle Simulator

Java, LibGDX, TOML4J

An educational tool for demonstrating the interactions between elementary particles as defined by various physical forces.

Music Projects


Cello, violoncello, bow, music

My ongoing study of cello performance, both solo and ensemble, since 2019 CE.

Concerto Grosso

Musescore 4, Music Theory, Composition

Originally intended as a symphony, I am currently writing a Concerto Grosso similar in structure to Ralph Vaughan Williams'.

Original image at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Chipmunk.jpg by Joergbieszczak, under CC BY-SA 3.0 DEED.

Chipmunk Problem

Composition, Performance, Production

Originally an ad-hoc group, we collaborate on electronic, orchestral, and experimental music as a band.

Procedural Tone Series

Composition, Computing, Improvisation

Designing experimental programs to test human-computer interaction for the improvisation of music.

Engineering Projects

Ender 3 Upgrading

3d Printing, Firmware, Motherboard, Motors

And ongoing learning journey to printer optimality.

Eco-Friendly Laser Pointer

Aluminum can, laser, Arduino, 7-seg display

Reusing metal waste as thermal mass and building a timed laser.

Server from Used Parts

Old enterprise hardware, self-hosting

Assembling compute on a tight budget for self-hosted services.

Garden System

Sensors, embedded, RISC-V, IoT

Designing and implementing a solar-powered garden monitoring and watering system while learning to build for RISC-V.